Matriarch, Medicine Woman + Circle Weaver

Motherhood has been my greatest teacher, deeply shaping the way I practice medicine and care for women. My own journey began with the birth of my first son, who came into this world via c-section after a challenging labor. This experience left me with a profound empathy for the struggles that many mothers face. When I gave birth to my second son, I was blessed with a beautiful, natural VBAC in the heart of the bush; A transformative experience that reaffirmed my passion for supporting women through their unique journeys.

I believe that all women embody their true power through being deeply nourished, held and free. I am dedicated to helping women to build their deep reserves to optimise vitality and capacity. Just as I care for the waters of our planet, I am committed to nurturing the internal waters of every woman that I work with. My approach is holistic, combining the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the feminine flowing touch of Lomi Lomi Massage.

Beyond individual treatments, I create spaces for women to gather, heal, and empower one another, through Women’s Sweat Lodges, Women’s Circles and Retreats. I support women to reconnect with their natural rhythms, listen to their deep intuitive wisdom and embody their sacredness. Reclaiming Rites of Passage such as Birth; Remembering the language of our hearts through Ritual & Ceremony; Reconnecting the Ancestral threads that weave us closer together as a community.

Every woman deserves to feel supported, nourished, and empowered. If you’re ready to embark on a journey of healing and reconnection, I invite you Join the WOVEN Movement and book an appointment with me today. Let’s support one another to rise!

x Lara