Heart-Centred Care for Women

Preconception and through Pregnancy

During Birth and Postnatally

And for all the seasons of Motherhood

Supporting & Nourishing you with Traditional Medicine

  • Prenatal

    Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs are very effective at nourishing fertility, balancing hormones and emotions, and creating the optimal conditions for Pregnancy. Chinese Medicine can treat underlying reproductive issues such as PCOS & Endometriosis, which influence hormones and fertility. Acupuncture also has proven benefits when used alongside IVF.

  • Pregnancy

    Acupuncture and Massage have many benefits throughout Pregnancy and for Birth. They can help with Nausea, Lower Back Pain & Sciatica, Heartburn, Constipation, Exhaustion, Insomnia, Anxiety & Depression, Pregnancy Induced Hypertension and Placenta Privea. Acupuncture and massage are supportive with getting baby into optimal position and promoting labour.

  • Postnatal

    Acupuncture, Massage & Herbs are very important to replenish to Mothers post birth, to restore the blood and tissues and assist with prolapse and wound healing. Many women experience Post Natal Depletion (exhaustion) & Post Natal Depression. Herbs and Acupuncture can help with balancing emotions, nourishing deep reserves & supporting healthy milk flow.

My Birth Story

My first son, Noah was born via C-section during a Cyclone! Lucky for me it was fairly peaceful as far as C-Sections go. In retrospect I can see that I worked too hard too early and was totally exhausted by the time real labour kicked in. I also wasn’t empowered enough at the the time to fully claim the space that I needed to drop into a primal space for birthing. Recovering from the C-Section was hard mentally, emotionally & physically. It was 9 months before I really felt comfortable even touching the scar, and my mind went through many layers of regret & feelings of failure. But I see that this journey humbled me in many ways, it taught me to forgive & accept and it helped me to empathise with many other women.

I knew that my body was made to birth (as my ancestors had for generations) and so 6 years later, when I was pregnant again, I chose to try for a ‘home-birth’ (home at that time happened to be a Coaster Bus & Tipi on a bush property!) I knew that if I was going to birth vaginally this time I needed to be out of the hospital system and totally drop into my Wild-Woman. I did a lot of work beforehand to clear residual fears & doubts and my husband and I worked together to prepare my body. Above all I committed deeply in my being to trust in my body and in birth. I chose an intimate and very specific support team, including an experienced doula/midwife. We worked together through the night and I was blessed to birth my second son Siah naturally on country!!