Traditional Medicine for Women

by Lara Heart Waters

Matriarch, Medicine Woman + Circle Weaver

Birth Care - Pregnancy Support - Acupuncture - Lomi Lomi Massage - Hot Stones - Moxa - Gua Sha - Cupping

Founder of the WOVEN Movement, Empowering Women to Remember, Restore, & Reweave Sacred Connections

Kuranda, FNQ, Australia


    Acupuncture treats all types of pain, including muscular, nerve, headaches & menstrual pain. It also supports the organs & systems within the body, nourishing Adrenals, detoxifying the Liver and improving Digestion.

    In Women’s Health, Acupuncture is a potent way to balance emotions, regulate menstrual cycles, and create the optimum conditions for fertility. Acupuncture is effective at clearing stagnation (PCOS/Endometriosis) and nourishing depletion (Postnatal Depression). Acupuncture also works beautifully to support women through the transition of menopause, balancing emotions & nourishing deep reserves.


    Cupping is an ancient art, used for detoxifying the body and drawing out “stuck” energy. It clears heat and ‘dampness’, which can manifest in a wide range of ways, such as joint pain or sluggish digestion.

    Cupping relaxes muscles, moves Qi & blood, and clears Heat from the Lungs, Heart & Liver, which helps with emotional ‘excesses’ such as anger, frustration, depression

    (Cupping is not appropriate for all clients as some skin conditions would be aggravated and some systems are too deficient for this technique).


    Lomi Lomi massage is a deeply nurturing massage that comes from Hawaii/ Polynesia. It uses long flowing strokes and a fluid motion like the ocean. It works by deeply releasing the fascia, a layer of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fibre and muscle in place. The fascia is also very significant as it stores trauma. By nourishing and releasing the fascia through Lomi Lomi Massage we soften the entire body, and layer by layer release trauma from our nervous systems and muscular memory.

    Lomi Lomi is a beautiful heart centred touch that is wonderful for women who are needing to receive care that is deeply feminine and nourishing.


    Hot Stones can be incorporated into your massage. We use flat, smooth, basalt stones that are heated in hot water and then placed on particular spots or moved around the body with massage. These ancient stones are grounding and deeply nurturing, The warmth is a wonderful way to penetrate through tight muscles and move blocked energy. When used with massage the stones can invigorate the blood circulation which is great for internal organs.

    (Hot Stones are not appropriate for all clients, particularly pregnant women, people with high blood pressure, cancer and sensitive skin)


    Moxa is an ancient art using a herb called Mugwort. Moxa takes many forms, but the most common is Moxa sticks which are burnt near the skin, over specific acupuncture points or along wider areas. Moxa creates a deep, gentle warmth that moves Qi and Blood. When Moxa is used over specific acupuncture points it nourishes deeper organs. Moxa is wonderful for treating menstrual issues, building the immune system and treating pain. It is grounding for the nervous system and can help with sleep.

    Moxa can help with turning the baby during Pregnancy and can also help to lift prolapses (See Birth Care Section for more info)

  • GUA SHA (Scraping)

    Gua Sha in an ancient healing technique that uses a smooth edged massage tool to scrape along the skin. Oil is applied first and then the gua sha tool is used to make short or long strokes. Gua Sha stimulates microcirculation within the soft tissues and increases blood flow. It breaks up stagnant energy to clear inflammation and pain, and promotes healing. Gua sha can also clear heat from the body and is commonly used for respiratory infections to clear heat from the lungs and strengthen the immune system.

    (Gua Sha is not appropriate with certain skin conditions)